my baby boy is already 3.5 weeks old!
it kind of seems like he should be older than that
i think time may go in slow motion when you mostly get 3 hr. segments of sleep
of course during the day he likes to go 4-5 hrs. between feedings
anyways, here's a little look into the last couple of weeks in our lives
Brighton has adjusted so well to a newbie in the house
she doesn't seem to be threatened by Asher at all
i'm guessing it's because she's never been a cuddle bug so she doesn't get jealous of me holding him
she likes to give him kisses
and every now and then she'll hold him for about half a minute :)
storytime! reading him one if her favorites...Gossie
storytime! reading him one if her favorites...Gossie
first bath at home...not impressed lol
i was so grateful to my mom for coming up and spending a week and a half w/ us!
Brighton was in heaven :)
the Sunday after Asher was born, Mom helped me put together a drop-in baby party
it was fun to have a chance to be creative and celebrate the birth of our perfect little boy
on the menu was:
vanilla and chocolate cake pops
caramel popcorn
party mix
cheese and crackers
pumpkin cream cheese muffins
cinnamon apple ring
citrus punch
also, while mom was here, she worked on making Asher's baby blanket
Mummsy's little "helper"
the beautiful finished product!
we also took the chance to take a picture of Mummsy and Brighton w/ the baby blanket Mummsy made for her
Mom, thank you so much for coming up and helping us out!
you are such a blessing!
i must say, having 2 kiddos in the house hasn't been the easiest thing ever
Asher was such a good little baby the first week of his life, but has been getting more and more fussy as time has gone on
that's been hard because i feel like i lost my happy little baby, and i don't know why
he barely cried the first week
now i spend about 2 hrs. every evening trying to console him
it's not constant crying, but about every 5 minutes he just spazzes
he starts crying really hard
his face turns all red and he starts sweating
and he clenches and claws w/ his hands
it's so sad...and tiring!
he's somewhat content throughout the day, but more often than not he wants to be held when he's awake
he also slept better at night early on so i'm feeling more and more exhausted
earlier this week i was having headaches and feeling absolutely awful
i just thought that my body was wussing out on me
hormonal changes, lack of sleep, maybe dehydration
i thought, "great, i'll never be able to have another baby because i obviously cannot handle it!"
turns out i was actually sick...took my temperature yesterday and it was 102
kind of a relief lol ... maybe i can have more kids ;)
anyways, the worst part of the sickness is over, and i'm feeling much much better today! yay!
and to end, just a few more pics...